Items where Division is "Faculty of Business > Master of Technology Management" and Year is 2022

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Number of items: 87.


Adam Siddik, Farrel (2022) Efisiensi Proses Customer Journey di PT Mitra Utama Motora melalui Implementasi Website Marketing. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Aditya, Kresna (2022) Analisis Pengaruh Product Involvement, Brand Engagement, dan Kualitas Iklan terhadap Click-through Intention melalui Mediasi Trust pada Iklan Digital. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Vera Selviana Adoe, S.P., M.M., et all. (2022) Digital Business: Concept, Strategy And Implementation. EC00202228189.


Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon (2022) Reading + Interactive Ilustrations: Industry Analysis. Core Curriculum: Strategy . Harvard Business Publishing Education.

Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon (2022) Reading + Interactive Ilustrations: Introduction to Strategy. Core Curriculum: Strategy . Harvard Business Publishing Education.

Chandra Dewanto, Christoforus (2022) Peran Marketing 4P terhadap Brand Decision Produk Rokok di Generasi Milenial & Z di Kota Jambi yang Dimediasi oleh Perception. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Clysia Sabandar, Michelle (2022) Peran Innovation Capability dan Social Media Marketing Capability dalam Meningkatkan Social Media Performance : Studi Empirical pada Florist di Jawa. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.


Darmasanty Yaputri, Filia (2022) Implementasi Elektronik Dokumen Manajemen Sistem di PT. XYZ. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Dieffenbacher, Stefan F. and Hüttinger, Caroline and Zaninelli, Susanne M. and Lines, Douglas (2022) How to Create Innovation: The ultimate guide to prove strategies and #businessmodels for driving #innovation and #digitaltransformation. In: How to Create Innovation: The ultimate guide to prove strategies and #businessmodels for driving #innovation and #digitaltransformation. Digital Leadership AG, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3952568705

Djauhary, Andrew (2022) Pengaruh Human Capability, Dynamic Capability, Orientasi Konsumen terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan dengan Menggunakan Kemampuan Inovasi sebagai Peran Mediasi untuk Mewujudkan Inklusi Teknologi Finansial untuk Usaha Kecil dan Menengah. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.


Enright, Michael. J (2022) PROCTER & GAMBLE IN CHINA, 2022. The Asia Case Research Centre, Hong Kong.


Felix, Felix (2022) Analisis Pengaruh Faktor-Faktor E-Learning Service Quality terhadap Student Perceived Value dan Student Satisfaction, dengan Implikasi terhadap Student Loyalty. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Flora, Christina and Utomo, Prio and Natalia, Friska (2022) Improving Visual Communication Design Students’ Creativity, The Role of SNS and Collaborative Learning. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship.

Foeh, John Ehj. and Manurung, Adler Haymans and Kurniasari, Florentina and Kartika, Tipri Rose and Yunita, Sandra (2022) Factors that Influence Purchase on Cinema Online Tickets Using Tix-Id Application, through Buying Interest. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, 18. pp. 10-19. ISSN 2224-3496


Galang Prasetyo, Thomas (2022) Pengaruh Norma Subjektif, Literasi Keuangan, Kepercayaan, dan Regulasi Pemerintah terhadap Intensi Perilaku Berinvestasi Cryptocurrency. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.


Hadi, Rumpoko (2022) Pengembangan Model Bisnis MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) untuk Mendukung Kinerja Dyandra Academy. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Rumpoko Hadi, Dr. Prio Utomo, S.T., MPC., Friska Natalia, S.Kom., M.T., Ph.D. (2022) Pengembangan Model Bisnis Moocs (Massive Open Online Course) Untuk Mendukung Kinerja Dyandra Academy. EC00202282861.

Hefira, Vania (2022) Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Ketangguhan Guru terhadap Efektivitas Mengajar: Studi Empirik Hybrid Learning Pandemi Covid-19. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Herlaksono, Yunanto (2022) Sistem Manajemen Gudang dan Solusi RFID untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Kerja di PT. XYZ. Bachelor Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.


Joshua, Ezra (2022) Pengaruh Sosial Influence dan Brand Awareness terhadap Purchase Behavior di Industri Plastik Indonesia. Bachelor Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Joveta, Anastasia (2022) Analisa Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Online Purchase Intention Usaha Mikro pada Jasa Social Media Agency dengan Mediasi Attitude towards Social Media di Kabupaten Tangerang pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Bachelor Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.


Kampakis, Stylianos and Mourouzis, Theodosis and Cardoso, Gerard and Zinopoulou, Marialena (2022) Business Models in Emerging Technologies Data Science, AI, and Blockchain. Business Expert Press, New York, NY. ISBN 978-1-63742-313-4

Kantika, Kantika (2022) Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Adopsi Layanan Bank Digital dengan Kepercayaan sebagai Variabel Mediasi. Bachelor Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Kirana, Chrysan (2022) Implementasi Critical Success Factor ERP di Perusahaan F&B-Studi Kasus Kualitatif. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Kirana, Chrysan and Utomo, Prio and Ichsan, Mohammad and Kembaren, Julbintor (2022) Success Model of Cloud-Based ERP using Six Sigma Method (Case Study of PT Gamma – Food & Beverage Company in Indonesia). Proceedings of the 1st Australian Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. pp. 1381-1393.

Kurnia, Steven and Susanto, Y. Budi and Juliadi, Rismi (2022) The Influence of Social Media Marketing Activity and Social Media Influencers on Instagram on Purchase Intention at Fashion Brand X in Indonesia. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship, ICEBE 2021, 7 October 2021, Lampung, Indonesia.

Dr Florentina Kurniasari T., S.Sos., MBM., Dennis Gunawan, S.Kom., M.Sc., Dr. Prio Utomo, S.T., MPC. (2022) Antarmuka Aplikasi Mobile My Store2Go. EC00202257999.

Dr Florentina Kurniasari T., S.Sos., MBM., Dennis Gunawan, S.Kom., M.Sc., Dr. Prio Utomo, S.T., MPC. (2022) Antarmuka Website My Store2Go. EC00202258001.

Kurniasari, Florentina and Gunawan, Dennis and Utomo, Prio (2022) Factors Influencing Small Medium Enterprise’s Behavior in Adopting E-fulfillment Services. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 7 (3). ISSN 2525-3654

Kurniasari, Florentina and Gunawan, Dennis and Utomo, Prio (2022) Factors Influencing Small Medium Enterprise’s Behavior in Adopting E-fulfillment Services. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 7 (3). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2525-3654

Dr. Florentina Kurniasari T., S.Sos., MBM., Dennis Gunawan, S.Kom., M.Sc., Dr. Prio Utomo, S.T., MPC. (2022) Program Inti Aplikasi Mobile My Store2Go. EC00202258000.

Dr Florentina Kurniasari T., S.Sos., MBM., Dennis Gunawan, S.Kom., M.Sc., Dr. Prio Utomo, S.T., MPC. (2022) Program Inti Website My Store2Go. EC00202258002.

Kurniasari, Florentina and Urus, Sharina Tajul and Utomo, Prio and Hamid, Nadiah Abd and Jimmy, So Yohanes and Othman, Intan Waheedah (2022) Determinant Factors of Adoption of Fintech Payment Services in Indonesia using the UTAUT Approach. Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, 17 (1). ISSN 2550-1631

Kurniati Sjarif, Janalia (2022) Validasi Pengembangan Platform Kacamata di Klinik Mata untuk Memediasi Pasien dan Optik. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.


Leonard Limanta, Anthony (2022) Analisis Pengaruh Work from Home, Work-Life Balance dan Work Stress terhadap Penerapan Budaya Kerja Jarak Jauh Secara Permanen pada Usaha di Bidang Hukum. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Lestari, Indah (2022) Analisis Efek Komunikasi Resiko melalui Media Sosial dan Norma Subjektif terhadap Niat Beli Gendongan Soft Structured Carrier (SSC) di Jabodetabek: Peran Mediasi Persepsi Resiko. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Lestari, Indah and Kurniasari, Florentina and Utomo, Prio (2022) Analysis of the Influence of Risk Communications and Subjective Norms on the Purchase Intention of Soft Structured Carriers (SSC) and Their Impact on Perceived Risk. Journal of Economics, Management and Trade. pp. 94-105. ISSN 2456-9216

Lestari, Seruni (2022) Pengaruh Social Media Marketing Instagram dan Technology Readiness untuk Meningkatkan Purchase Intention melalui Mediasi Social Media Brand Engagement pada Brand Mortar Instan X. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.


Management Technology, Magister (2022) Business Model, Strategy & Innovation Class - Erwin Tenggono. [Video]

Management Technology, Magister (2022) Business Model, Strategy and Innovation Class - Dahlan Dahi. [Video]

Management Technology, Magister (2022) ICT Planning and Evaluation Class - Prof. Dr. Ir. Eko Kuswardono Budiardjo, M.Sc. [Video]

Management Technology, Magister (2022) IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies - Prof. Kim Taioun , Ph.D. [Video]

Management Technology, Magister (2022) IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies - Prof. Kim Taioun , Ph.D. [Video]

Management Technology, Magister (2022) Information System Strategic Planning - Prof. Dr. Ir. Marsudi Wahyu Kisworo. [Video]

Management Technology, Magister (2022) Kebijakan Bank Sentral dalam Digitalisasi Sektor Keuangan di Indonesia - Dr. Arlyana Abubakar, MBA. [Video]

Management Technology, Magister (2022) Managing Technology Project Class - Dr. Ir. Rahayu S Arifin. [Video]

Management Technology, Magister (2022) Marketing and Digital Communication Class - Moh. Nurul Rachman, S.T, M.M. [Video]

Management Technology, Magister (2022) Marketing and Digital Communication Class A - Hendra Suryawijaya. [Video]

Management Technology, Magister (2022) Mengenal IPR dan Proteksi Hasil Inovasi Teknologi - Andy Mardani, S.Sn., M.I.Kom. [Video]

Management Technology, Magister (2022) Mengenal IPR dan Proteksi Hasil Inovasi Teknologi - Andy Mardani, S.Sn., M.I.Kom. [Video]

Management Technology, Magister (2022) Pengertian Evaluasi Proyek, Aspek dan Metode Memperoleh Gagasan - Dr. Antonius Siahaan. [Video]

Management Technology, Magister (2022) Project Research Management - BE Satrio. [Video]

Management Technology, Magister (2022) Securing Information System - Dr. Sud Sudirman Beng (Hons), PhD, FHEA. [Video]

Management Technology, Magister (2022) Technology Industry and Competitive Analysis Class - Dr. Ir. Mohammad Hamsal. [Video]

Management Technology, Magister (2022) Technology Industry and Competitive Analysis Class - Rahayu S. Arifin. [Video]

Management Technology, Magister (2022) Technology, Finance, and Capital - Ferdinand Sadeli. [Video]

Management Technology, Magister (2022) Value Creation and Innovation Management Class - Dr. dr. Ferdi Antonio. [Video]

Marisson Hasudungan Hutasoit, Ridhony (2022) Elaborasi Double Helix Phenomenology atas Praktik dan Perspektif Kepemimpinan Adaptif Digital dan Manajemen Inovasi pada OJK Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara di Masa Pandemi. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Mayasanto, Ade (2022) Analisa Faktor-faktor Pembentuk E-Loyalty di Media Online Studi Kasus Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Meirina, Meirina (2022) Pengaruh dari Aktivitas Pemasaran dan Kompetensi Individual terhadap Keinginan untuk Mengadopsi Digital Banking. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Metta Dharmanto, Milianda (2022) Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Niat Penggunaan Brand E-wallet dengan Pendekatan TPB dan TAM. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Mustika, Mawar (2022) Pengaruh Kepuasan Kompensasi dan Benefit terhadap Turnover Intention yang Dimediasi oleh Perceived Organizational Support dan Affective Organizational Commitment di Kompas Gramedia. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.


Nathania, Claresta (2022) Hubungan Kemampuan Agile, Kemampuan Agile, Kemampuan Marketing, Kemampuan Operasional dan Kinerja UKM pada UKM FnB. Bachelor Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Nikita Titisari, Yasinta (2022) Pengaruh Faktor Ability, Motivation, dan Opportunity terhadap Kesuksesan Inovasi Teknologi Dimoderasi oleh Corporate Entrepreneurial Climate. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.


Prihanto, Johny Natu and Pramana, Cipta and Susanti, Ratna (2022) Virtual Learning During The COVID-19 Pandemic, A Disruptive Technology In Higher Education In Indonesia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH, 14 (3). ISSN 0975-2366

Prihanto, Johny Natu and Samosir, Johar and Tampoli, Deborah Naomi (2022) INFORMATION SEARCHING AND INTENTION TO VISIT TOURIST DESTINATION USING SMART TOURISM TECHNOLOGIES DURING COVID-19. Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology, 55 (1). ISSN 0493-2137

Purnama, Hadi (2022) Transformasi Marketing Menggunakan Website dan Media Sosial sebagai Media Pemasaran PT Sanubari Gemilang Raya. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.


Rajaram, Kumaran (2022) Alibaba Group Holding Limited Why and How Does Leadership Matter to its Growth, Success and to Sustain its Future. Asian Business Case Center . Nanyang Technological University.

Rianti, Yoanita (2022) Analisis Efektivitas Top Management Support, Knowledge Management Process, dan Innovation terhadap Organization Performance pada Industri Dana Pensiun di Indonesia. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.


Sanchia Tiyana, Fedora (2022) Pengaruh Knowledge Creation dan Knowledge Sharing pada Product Development dengan Mediasi Product Innovation: Studi Empiris pada R&D Industri Pangan. Bachelor Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Sandi Robert, Ari (2022) Pengembangan dan Implementasi Knowledge Capability Model di Sektor publik (Studi Kasus BPPK). Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Sawhney, Mohanbir and Goodman, Pallavi (2022) Nike: Tiptoeing into the Metaverse. Northwestern Kellogg Scholl of Management.

Severesia, Claudia and Utomo, Prio and Natalia, Friska (2022) Investigating Factors That Influencing Repurchase Intention: Case Study in Beverage Manufacturing Industry. Business Excellence and Management, 12 (1). pp. 17-30. ISSN 2248-1354

Dr. Ir. Khristian Edi Nugroho Soebandrija, B.S.I.E., M.M., Laila Refiana Said, Psi, M.Si., Ph.D., Dr. Prio Utomo, S.T, M.P.C. (2022) Gig Economy : Concepts, Opportunities And Challenges. EC00202213028.

Stevan, Ryan (2022) Perancangan Aplikasi Manajemen Proyek dengan Konsep Gamifikasi untuk Meningkatkan Digital Engagement terhadap Produktivitas dan Keterlibatan Karyawan di PT Meta Karya Kreativindo. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Sudiyono, Kristianus Ade and Utomo, Prio and Severesia, Claudia (2022) Factors Affecting Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction on B2B Food and Beverage Sector. Journal of Business and Management Review, 3 (9). pp. 627-640. ISSN 2723-1097

Sudiyono, Kristianus Ade and Utomo, Prio and Severesia Chandra, Claudia (2022) Effect of Customer Experience and Customer Value Towards Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction on B2B Food and Beverage Sector. Journal of Business and Management Review, 3 (9).


Tanjung, Valencia (2022) Pengaruh Visual Merchandising dan Store Environment terhadap Niat Beli Konsumen dengan Mediasi Customer Inspirations. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Tri Wibowo, Agung (2022) Troya Academic Platform: Sosial Media Berbasis Perpustakaan Digital. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.


Urus, Sharina Tajul and Kurniasari, Florentina and Nazri, Sharifah and Utomo, Prio and Othman, Intan and Jimmy, So Yohanes and Hamid, Nadiah Abd (2022) A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF FINTECH PAYMENT SERVICES ADOPTION AMONG MALAYSIAN AND INDONESIAN FRESH GRADUATES: THROUGH THE LENS OF UTAUT THEORY. Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology.

Urus, Sharina Tajul and Kurniasari, Florentina and Nazri, Sharifah Nazarul Faiza Syed Mustapha and Utomo, Prio and Othman, Intan Waheedah and Jimmy, So Yohanes and Hamid, Nadiah Abd (2022) A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF FINTECH PAYMENT SERVICES ADOPTION AMONG MALAYSIAN AND INDONESIAN FRESH GRADUATES: THROUGH THE LENS OF UTAUT THEORY. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5 (13). pp. 73-88. ISSN 17293774

Dr. Prio Utomo, S.T, M.P.C., Warcito, S.P., M.M., Dr. Drs. Y. Johny Natu Prihanto, M.M. (2022) Advanced Strategic Management In Organisation And Business: Perspective, Approach, And Dynamics. EC00202213372.


Velda Verianto, Vashti (2022) Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Purchase Intention pada E-grocery Segari dengan Moderasi Jenis Kelamin dan Usia. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.


Agung Tri Wibowo, Dr. Prio Utomo, S.T., MPC., Dr. So Yohanes Jimmy, S.T., M.M. (2022) Troya Academic Platform. EC00202252575.

William Marbun, Ronald (2022) Perancangan Project Management System untuk Efisiensi Pekerjaan di PT.Promedia Punggawa Satu. Master Thesis thesis, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Wöcke, Albert and Mthombeni, Morris (2022) TELKOM SOUTH AFRICA: BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION IN A CHANGING INDUSTRY. Ivey Business School Foundation.


Yin, Pai-Ling (2022) Reading + Interactive Ilustrations: Technology Strategy. Core Curriculum: Strategy . Harvard Business Publishing Education.

This list was generated on Tue Oct 22 10:34:00 2024 +07.